I finally got myself my own domain sabarish.net and have moved my blog to my own hosting server.
My blog is now http://sabarish.net/blog
My new feed address is http://sabarish.net/feed/
My new website http://www.sabarish.net/ - it is still under construction. And presently only this blog is up and running there. Soon I should have photo galleries and a tech blog and lot more stuff.
The new blog address is http://blog.sabarish.netThe new feed address is: http://blog.sabarish.net/atom.xml
Kindly update your bookmarks and RSS readers.
Sorry for the inconvenice. As they say in Kannada - "Swalpa adjust maadi!"
My blog is now http://sabarish.net/blog
My new feed address is http://sabarish.net/feed/
Cool! Treat UJ!
host.ac doesnt have ASP.NET hosting? Thats sad!
And your comments arent working properly. This is the 3rd comment, but the page containing the blog post says - "No comment".
Yes no ASP.NET here...
Regarding comments - I was still in the process of migrating. Now it is fine.
I so knew you would contact me today after reading this post! :)
Will mail you shortly.