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Bangalore getting 'Bangalored'?!

It has been raining cats, dogs and every other animal in Bangalore and other parts of South India for a while now.

As it is we in Bangalore were struggling with pathetic roads and bad traffic conditions and the rains are making things much, much worse.

I had a harrowing experience driving home this evening, and what normally takes me around 15 – 20 minutes took over an hour and a half. The roads were flooded with water, at some places around 2-3 feet of water. The water was so deep at one place that it actually entered my car.

“Bangalore” is now in the news the world over for its excellent infrastructure (the lack of, i.e.). And if it continues at this pace, I am sure more and more companies are going to think twice or even thrice about whether to set shop in this hyped up, crowded city.

I was forced to shift my house a few months back to a place closer to office, so that I can spend more time at home or else where, instead of spending 3 hours (or more) traveling in bad traffic, like some of my friends do. Although this moved us out of the place where I’ve been almost all my life, I have never regretted this move. I now spend less than an hour on travel and this gives me more time to do other things – like watch movies for instance!

The government has announced that they are releasing some 100 crores for immediate relief. I am sure that this money will disappear faster than the water dries up and there won’t be much to show for it (apart from more badly repaired roads, cheap road material and ultimately more pot-holes.)

Agreed the government is doing ‘something’ for Bangalore but that is only fit for some small town and definitely not enough for a city the size and importance of Bangalore.

Anyway, it’s about time (actually it was about time a year or so back, but we Bangaloreans have had a lot of hope and patience, which is running has run out) the authorities in Bangalore better read the writing on the wall, which is so loud and clear for everybody else, and do more (lots, lots more), lest Bangalore gets ‘Bangalored’ (a term it was responsible for creating).
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At 10/26/2005 12:57:00 PM, Blogger Pradeep Nair said...

Very true. It's a pity that great ideas of people in Bangalore isn't getting translated into reality. Mainly because of politicians who are far behind.

At 10/27/2005 05:52:00 AM, Blogger Rohan said...

Yes. You forgot to mention about the great bangalore autorickshaw which charges more and more with occurence of calamities.

At 10/28/2005 12:32:00 PM, Blogger Sabarish said...

Yup, I didnt touch upon autos and many other topics - there are just far too many horror stories.

Talking about autos - you should try hiring one at Whitefield. The "meter-charge" doesnt exist there and they charge any amount that pleases them. To go from my office to ITPL (which is hardly about 3-4 kms) they charge Rs. 40 - 50!

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